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Choosing an Interior Paint Finish: Sheen and Gloss 101

Put the finishing statement on your paint color of choice by selecting a sheen that enhances the look of the surface. Sheen, or paint finish, is a measure of how much light reflects off a painted surface, resulting in gloss—or a lack thereof. Consider some of the common sheen uses listed below, or break from tradition and get creative with sheen. While some types of paint finishes may work better in certain areas than others, Benjamin Moore’s legacy of innovation ensures that our portfolio of products delivers premium performance across the sheen spectrum.

High Gloss Paint

Offering a mirror-like finish, high gloss sits on top of the sheen chart. This finish, offered in some paints such as Advance High gloss ( 794), is extremely durable and offers elegant shine. It is easy to clean, stain-resistant and will add a stunning look to doors, trim, and even a high-traffic Kitcken.

Many interior designers (and adventurous homeowners) like to experiment with high gloss paint in unexpected areas, such as the ceiling or an accent wall. Keep in mind, however, that high gloss paints require careful application and preparation best left to a professional painters. If you’re committed to a DIY-approach, practice your technique and prime any surfaces to ensure they are even and clean prior to paint application. Since a gloss finish reflects light and can accentuate blemishes, avoid using it on areas that are not completely smooth. TESTIMONIALS

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