Paint Your Home Exterior ,Homeowners depend on paint to both beautify and protect. If you have decided to put the power of paint to work for your home’s exterior firsthand, use these top exterior painting preparation steps to succeed.
Ideally, every outdoor painting day would be 77°F with no humidity, but reality says otherwise. Our top weather tips include:
- Plan based on weather–rain can easily ruin a fresh coat of paint and undo hours of hard work, so weather is truly a critical component of a successful exterior paint project.
- Refrain from painting when the temperature drops below 40°F.
- Always reference the paint can label for additional insights on weather-related directions.
Acrylic/latex paints like Aura Exterior Paint and Regal Select Paint High Build are generally the best choice for exterior painting projects. Latex paints resist the sun’s rays and are highly compatible with all the substrates mentioned. TESTIMONIALS
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