Repair Sheetrock Drywall Painting
Drywall Cracks
Take a look at the walls in your house. Chances are they’re made from wallboard or drywall. And like the , Fla., found out, drywall is easily damaged. The good news is it’s easily fixed.
A house expands and contracts depending on the weather. That can cause the framing to swell or shrink, which can create cracks in the drywall. Sheetrock But fixing those cracks can be simple, depending on where they’re located.TESTIMONIALS
Nail Holes
What is a nail for? Obviously, it’s used to hold two pieces of material together. But if the nail head is pounded below the top surface, the nail can lose holding power and the hole it leaves behind can lead to additional damage.www.manuelzpaintinghomeimprovementinc
As our homeowner in Oak Ridge, N.C., found out, his nails were set too deeply into the pressboard siding of the house, allowing water to enter the nail holes and rot the material. Without repair, the water could eventually do a lot of damage. But the good news is this problem’s easy to fix.
First, remove the pockets of rot and clean out the nail holes. Then fill the holes with putty and sand it down evenly with the surface. Then coat the repair with a primer and paint. WALLS CEILING PAINTING