painting contractors Interior Drywall compound south Salem NY

What Is Joint Compound? Joint compound is a product made up of primarily gypsum dust and

 that is available both in powder form and pre-mixed. Intended for finishing new drywall and repairing drywall, joint compound’s mud-like texture earned it its informal name “drywall mud.”

When to Use Joint Compound

The main purpose of joint compound is finishing new drywall and performing large drywall repairs and patches. Because joint compound has a slower drying time than spackle, it has a longer working time, which allows the user more time to achieve a smooth surface. TESTIMONIALS

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Joint compound’s primary function is filling and finishing the joints between sheets of drywall. You probably connected the dots, but this is where the word “joint” in joint compound comes from. The drywall mud is spread between the sheets of drywall after installation to create a smooth wall surface. When paired with drywall tape and applied by an experienced hand, joint compound can make drywall seams totally