Few features of your home make an immediate visual impact like the exterior paint job. Superbly applied paint conveys your pride in your home and helps define its personality.
Choose Quality Exterior Paint
A good exterior paint is 100 percent acrylic latex. The formula consists of three main components:
– Pigments, which provide the color.
– Binders, which hold the pigment to the wall.
– Solvents, which make the paint spreadable. Today, most exterior paints are water-based. TESTIMONIALS
As paint dries, the solvent evaporates, leaving behind only the pigments and binders. These are known as volume solids. Higher quality paints are generally higher in volume solids. They may also have better binders, which will hold the pigments in place longer. This improves durability.
To determine the percentage of volume solids in a brand of paint, check the manufacturer’s website or ask your local distributor for a Technical Data Sheet. In general, paints labeled “premium” or “super-premium” are likely to be higher in volume solids than budget brands. manuelzpaintinghomeimprovementinc.com