Scarsdale NY contractors painters interior exterior Westchester NY

How to
Paint Your Home Exterior, Ideally, every outdoor painting day would be 77°F with no humidity, but reality says otherwise. Our top weather tips include:


If you are power washing your home with anything other than water (e.g., a chemical cleaner), mask your plants and landscaping with plastic drop cloths, taped down to stay in place should wind pick up. Any part of the perimeter that you don’t want cleaner to touch should be covered, especially if you are using a chemical cleaner. After power washing, mask windows too, to avoid time-consuming clean-up of dried paint flecks on window panes later. TESTIMONIALS


A fully dry substrate is imperative. Don’t paint until your exterior is fully dry. For example, a wood substrate will need its moisture content to be below 15%: a Benjamin Moore retailer can help with more information on measuring moisture. www.manuelzpaintinghomeimprovementinc


In general, your new paint’s adhesion could be negatively affected if applied over existing high gloss surfaces. Fortunately most exterior houses aren’t high gloss, but many doors are. If you encounter a surface that is high in gloss it’s best to de gloss with sandpaper or a liquid de glosser.